Tag Archives: Verde Plant Bug

Cotton Update 6/24

Cotton fields of the Mid-Coast of Texas have 16-20 nodes and 2-6 NAWF. Low pest pressure could change quickly. Cotton Scouting Clinic – Monday morning. Read More →

Cotton IPM Update – 5/26/2017

Cotton maturity across the Mid-Coast ranges from half-grown square to near cutout. Pest insects to be aware of include cotton fleahopper, bollworms, stink bugs and verde plant bugs. Continue to monitor young cotton for cotton fleahoppers until the first week of bloom.  If you have a decent fruit set at bloom of at least 70% retention, the cotton fleahopper should not be a pest after first bloom. By bloom, the cotton plant should have 80% or more of the harvestable fruit.  Since the fleahopper is not able to cause square loss to squares larger than… Read More →

Mid Coast Cotton Update

Cotton maturity spans the gamut.  Field maturity ranges from 1/3 grown square to near cutout.  Monitoring for stink bug and Verde plant bug is important in cotton fields in bloom.  We have not found a field with economic populations of stink bugs yet.  Most fields have less than 10% evidence of feeding and many are 1-3%.  The economic threshold for stink bugs is 20% evidence of internal feeding.  Treat for verde plant bugs when finding more than 20-25 bugs per 100 plants. Up the coast, I have received… Read More →

Mid-Coast Cotton Update

Cotton fields range from 2-3 leaf to bloom.  Squaring cotton is most prevalent.  We are finding cotton fleahoppers in cotton fields across the Mid-Coast.  Treat fields based on an economic threshold of 15 fleahoppers per 100 plants. Watch a video on scouting for cotton fleahoppers HERE. Cotton fruit retention can be reduced by the cotton fleahopper. Another factor affecting fruit retention can be the cloudy, wet weather conditions of the past few weeks.  The recent weather can make treatment decisions difficult.  Just remember to treat based on pest… Read More →

Cotton Fleahoppers and other Cotton Bugs

Cotton Fleahoppers have been the primary insect pest of concern thus far in the cotton production season.  The fleahopper is still being found above economic thresholds in some fields across Calhoun, Refugio and Victoria Counties. Scout for fleahoppers until the first week of bloom.  By this time, we usually have most of the fruit we will harvest beyond pinhead-square which is the size susceptible to the cotton fleahopper. We conducted an insecticide screening trial on a field in Victoria County this past week.  All five insecticides performed as desired. … Read More →