Monthly Archives: June 2017

Soybean Turnrow Meeting: Tuesday, June 27, 3:30 pm

Review of soybean variety work at the Wehmeyer Farm near Pt. Lavaca.  Find it HERE.  Andy Scott (Rio Farms), Grover Shannon (Univ. Missouri breeder), and several other scientists from Univ. of Missouri and USDA (Stoneville, MS) will be present. First generation Roundup-Ready soybean varieties, high OL (linoleic acid), and conventional varieties (high Group 4’s to mid Group 5’s) selected from the Univ of Missouri breeding program are being evaluated for their potential production in the Texas soybean production areas.  The goals of this program are to provide producers… Read More →

End of Season Pest Management Decision Making

Corn and Grain Sorghum harvest has begun on the Mid-Coast of Texas. Early yield reports are above average. While many Sorghum fields are no longer susceptible to the yield reducing impacts of insects, we must not forget the later fields. Stink bugs and headworms can impact sorghum yield and quality losses until hard dough or when the grain cannot be compressed between the fingers. Sugarcane aphids have been relatively low across the mid-coast this year with less than 30% of fields requiring treatment. Don’t forget these aphids after hard… Read More →

Stink Bugs in Sorghum, Cotton and Soybeans

We have reached the time of the growing season when Stink Bugs are the primary pest in most of the row crops on the Texas coast. Sorghum maturity is from bloom to soft dough and will be susceptible to stink bugs until hard dough. Scout for stink bugs and headworms using a bucket to beat sorghum heads into until you have sampled 10.  Then stop and count the stink bugs and headworms in the bucket.  This should be done at 10-20 places per field and average the number of stink bugs… Read More →