Monthly Archives: May 2023

IPM Update – Stink Bugs in Grain Sorghum

Grain Sorghum in the Mid Coast of Texas is blooming and some fields are just past bloom in the Milk stage.  Sorghum should be scouted every day or so during bloom to detect economic populations of sorghum midge.  During bloom, the primary insect pest is sorghum midge.  The economic threshold of sorghum midge is 1 midge per 3-5 plants. Another important insect pest of sorghum is stink bugs.  We have been finding stink bugs in sorghum fields but most are still below the treatment threshold. The most critical… Read More →

IPM Update – Cotton Growth and Fleahoppers

Cotton maturity ranges from 5-6 leaf to third-grown square.  Continue to scout for cotton fleahoppers, I have fields with more than 40 per 100 plants.  The Economic Threshold is 15 per 100 plants so these field should be treated to prevent square loss.  Some fields or parts of fields are yellowing due to excessive soil moisture making nitrogen less available.  This should be corrected once the soil dries if the field was properly fertilized. I have had several conversations about the temperatures we have had so far this… Read More →

IPM Update – Sorghum Midge

Sorghum fields range from V5 to bloom.  Fields that are blooming are in the damage window for sorghum midge. MANAGING INSECT AND MITE PESTS OF TEXAS SORGHUM  ENTO-PU-170 The sorghum midge is one of the most damaging insects of sorghum in Texas, especially in the eastern half of the state. The adult sorghum midge is a small, fragile-looking, orange-red fly with a yellow head, brown antennae and legs, and gray, membranous wings. During the single day of adult life, each female lays about 50 yellow-white eggs in the… Read More →

Cotton IPM – Matchhead square cotton

Cotton fields range from 2-3 leaf to 11-12 leaf. Many fields have squares with the older fields at or a little beyond Matchhead square. Fields of squaring cotton should be scouted 1-2 times per week for cotton fleahoppers.  The cotton fleahopper can cause yield losses and delayed maturity by feeding on young squares, causing them to fall off the plant.  Smaller squares are more sensitive to fleahopper feeding. Once a square is 1/4 inch in width, it is thought to be safe from the cotton fleahopper.  Fields are… Read More →