Victoria County CEU Day

7 a.m. Friday, February 10, 2017

Victoria Educational Gardens Pavilion

283 Bachelor Drive at the Victoria Regional Airport

RSVP for the event before Wednesday at 361-575-4581

5 hours of CEU credit (1 hour IPM, 2 hours laws and regulations, and 2 hours general) will be given for private, commercial and non-commercial applicators.

The cost for the day will be $40 per person and can be paid at the door. This fee does include lunch.



7:30AM           Welcome & Introductions, Matt Bochat, County Extension Agent – Agriculture/Natural Resources, Victoria County

7:40AM           Pesticide Compliance Issues & Regulations, Greg Baker, Texas Department of Agriculture, Inspector

8:30AM           Integrated Pest Management Concepts in Agriculture, Stephen Biles, Integrated Pest Management Agent, Victoria, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties

9:20AM           BREAK

9:30AM           Understanding the Veterinary Feed Directive, Dr. Joe Paschal, Extension Livestock Specialist

10:20AM         New Herbicides, Applications, Modes of Action, Dr. Josh McGinty, Extension Agronomist

11:10AM         Pesticide Laws & Regulations, Dr. Don Renchie, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist

12:00PM         LUNCH

12:45PM         Distribution of Completion Certificates


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