Tag Archives: Stink Bugs

Headworms in Grain Sorghum

Grain sorghum maturity ranges from milk to hard dough.  Sorghum fields that have not reached hard dough should be scouted for headworms and stink bugs.  And all sorghum should be scouted for sugarcane/sorghum aphids. We have not found aphids in colonies greater than 20-40 feet in size.  Most of these are being consumed by beneficial insects such as lady beetle, lacewing, and syrphid fly larvae. What was most noticeable this week was worms in younger sorghum fields.  The older sorghum in soft dough or beyond did not seem… Read More →

Cotton in Bloom and IPM

Many of the cotton fields in South Texas are in bloom. Once cotton is blooming, we need to change our scouting methods. Plant water use is increasing rapidly and the insects that cause yield loss are changing. Now is the time to start counting Nodes Above White Flower (NAWF). This will help you know how the crop is progressing and when insects stop being an economic pest. Count NAWF by finding the first position white flower and counting the number of nodes (branches) above the branch with the… Read More →

Stink Bugs in Field Crops

The row crops in the Mid-Coast of Texas continues to progress at a normal rate. Cotton field maturity ranges from late squaring to the second week of bloom. Grain sorghum fields are from late bloom to near hard dough. And soybeans are blooming (R2), setting pods (R4) and filling pods (R5). In all of these crops, stink bugs are one of the primary insect pests of concern.  After bloom, cotton fields should be checked for stink bug management by opening 1-inch bolls and checking the inside for evidence… Read More →

IPM Update – Stink Bugs in Grain Sorghum

Grain Sorghum in the Mid Coast of Texas is blooming and some fields are just past bloom in the Milk stage.  Sorghum should be scouted every day or so during bloom to detect economic populations of sorghum midge.  During bloom, the primary insect pest is sorghum midge.  The economic threshold of sorghum midge is 1 midge per 3-5 plants. Another important insect pest of sorghum is stink bugs.  We have been finding stink bugs in sorghum fields but most are still below the treatment threshold. The most critical… Read More →

End of Season Pest Management

Corn and sorghum harvest is well underway. Soybeans and cotton fields are maturing rapidly. We are finding stink bugs in some cotton and soybean fields but the decision to treat depends on the maturity of the crop. Looking for Harvest Aid Trial locations. Read More →