Tag Archives: Corn Leafhopper

IPM in Fall Corn Production

There are several growers who have planted corn crops for fall production. Much of the fall corn is sweet corn crops but other purposes exist as well including tourism. Insect issues can be more severe for fall planted corn and the crops should be monitored for pest insects. The three more likely insect pests that may develop into problems include fall armyworms, corn leaf aphids and corn leafhoppers. The corn leafhopper is the insect of greatest concern; not just because of what it can do to the current… Read More →

Leafhoppers in Corn: Update

Short story: Spraying to control leafhoppers in dent stage corn is not likely to benefit the crop. Corn Maturity: As of May 29, 2024, most of the corn in the mid-coast of Texas is at dent. The time required from early dent to maturity is 20-35 days. Insect populations: Every corn field I have visited has leafhoppers at some level. Leafhopper numbers range from less than 1 per plant to 15-20 per leaf. Plant symptoms: A minority of the corn fields show symptoms of leaf yellowing to reddening or death and <2%… Read More →

Corn Leafhoppers

As a continuation of this year’s strange insect problems, we now have Corn Leafhoppers in some corn fields of the Mid-Coast. This insect is not uncommon but showed up in corn fields in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) a few weeks ago and is now appearing in some local corn fields in numbers great enough to cause concern. Today, May 24, I visited a Victoria County corn field and found corn leafhoppers in numbers ranging from 1 to 30 leafhoppers per leaf. Most of these insects are below… Read More →