Bean Thrips in Soybeans

We have not been finding many insect pests in Soybean fields so far this season but there are a few things to keep an eye on. Wednesday I found Bean Thrips (Caliothrips phaseoli) in low numbers of less than 1 per leaflet on the leaves of soybean plants. The top 2 pictures show minimal feeding injury along the leaf veins. Bean Thrips can be found on the lower half of the plant first, and will move up the plant as populations increase. They tend to be found on… Read More →

Sorghum Midge and Sugarcane Aphids

Grain sorghum across Refugio, Calhoun and Victoria Counties ranges from 4-5 leaf to bloom.  The two primary insects of concern this week for grain sorghum in the Mid-Coast of Texas are Sorghum Midge and Sugarcane Aphids. The Sugarcane Aphid can be found in Johnsongrass adjacent to sorghum fields, so the aphids may jump into the sorghum soon. Begin inspecting field margins and areas of the field with Johnsongrass present. Fields beginning to bloom should be inspected for Sorghum Midge. Begin scouting for midge soon after head emergence when… Read More →

Squaring Cotton and Drought

Most cotton fields are squaring so the cotton fleahopper is the primary pest of interest in these fields. I use an economic threshold of 15 cotton fleahoppers per 100 plants. Adults and nymphs count the same. The cotton fleahopper will feed on the soft plant parts in the terminal of the plant. They cause injury when they feed on small squares causing the square to be “blasted” and then abscise, or fall off the plant. Once a square is larger than a pin head, it is considered safe… Read More →

South Texas Audio Updates

We have been recording pest updates in effort to provide a brief audio version of South Texas newsletters and blog posts. The reports include crop production and pest management updated from South Texas, including the Rio Grande Valley, Coastal Bend and Mid-Coast. You can get these by following this link: Use this link for all IPM Audio Updates:

CEU Meeting April 27

AgriLife Logo

The Calhoun County AgriLife Extension Office will have a meeting offering up to 6 hours of continuing education units for TDA Pesticide Applicators License. The meeting will be held Wednesday, April 27 at the Calhoun County Extension Auditorium (311 Henry Barber Way, Port Lavaca). Registration begins at 7:30 with the Last Chance CEU videos starting at 8 am. Cost is $20 The videos will run from 8-12 and 1-3. Lunch on your own 12-1. 2 hours Laws and Regulations 2 hours IPM 2 hours Drift Management / General