Author Archives: Stephen Biles

2020 South Texas Farm and Ranch Show

October 28-29, 2020 The 2020 South Texas Farm and Ranch Show will be a virtual seminar. REGISTRATION OPEN THRU OCTOBER 29TH AT: $20 PER PERSON – PER DAY – No Refunds

Calhoun County Corn Hybrid Trials

The Corn Hybrid Trial in Calhoun County was harvested near Port Lavaca, TX on August 19, 2020. These results should be used along with other similar tests from South Texas to help determine the what to plant next year.   A second corn hybrid trial was conducted at another location in Port Lavaca. The results of this trial can be found HERE.      

Soil Testing Time in South Texas

The Mid-Coast IPM Program is equipped to soil test with a hydraulic soil probe that samples to a depth of 24″.  Since 2013, we have sampled fields in Calhoun, Refugio, and Victoria Counties and found soil nitrogen levels ranging between 11 and 168 lbs N per acre. This can be a opportunity to reducing costs without affecting yields. Average fields can save $15-$20 by reducing fertilizer rates based on soil tests to 24″. You may find this service from several different sources including your IPM program in Calhoun,… Read More →

Sorghum Hybrid Trial Results from Victoria County

The Sorghum Hybrid Trial in Victoria County was harvested near Victoria, TX on July 20, 2020. These results should be used along with other similar tests from South Texas to help determine the what to plant next year.

Stink Bugs in Soybean Fields

Over the past week we have been finding increased numbers of stink bugs in soybean fields.  Most of these stink bugs were green, southern green and red-banded stink bugs. My preferred method to scout for stink bugs is the sweep net, but a good alternative is the drop cloth. As a last resort, you can shake the plants over the furrow and see what falls onto the ground. The disadvantage of shaking on the ground is you may miss some of the insects that can fall into cracks… Read More →