Author Archives: Stephen Biles

Scouting Clinic – Monday at 8:30

A cotton scouting clinic will be held Monday, April 25, at 8:30 am on FM 1679 and Sanders Rd. At this clinic we will discuss the current cotton growing conditions and the insect pests we expect to find and how to scout for them.

Seedling Cotton Pests

Cotton ranges from emerging to 3-4 leaf plants. Weather forecasts are not optimistic for rainfall so treating for insect pests of seedling cotton is not likely profitable. The pests we can expect to find on young cotton includes thrips, aphids, and mites. I have not seen fields with insect populations requiring management. Seed treatments are typically good for 3 weeks following planting and most fields are were planted more than three weeks ago. The water needs for the plants are not very high right now so the primary… Read More →

2021 Mid-Coast IPM Program Impact

The following link provides you an opportunity to give feedback on the impact and value of the Mid-Coast IPM Program. Only 3 questions! 2021 Mid-Coast IPM Program Survey Responses will be received until 11:00 am Monday 1/31/2022.

Victoria CEU Virtual Seminar – Thursday, January 27, 2022

Program begins at 8:00 am Cost: $40 Registration Fee Registration online only at: ZOOM INVITE WILL BE SENT AFTER YOU REGISTER FLyer.Victoria CEU Virtual Seminar1.27.22 CEUs 1 General, 2 Laws & Regs, 2 Integrated Pest Management For Texas Department of Agriculture Private, Commercial, and Non- Commercial Licensed Pesticide Applicators AUXIN TRAINING AFTERWARD For more information call: Victoria County Extension Office – 361-575-4581 Email:

Auxin Training – January 18, 2022

If you plan to apply Engenia, Extendimax, Tavium, and/or Enlist One/Enlist Duo in 2022, you must attend an auxin training. The Calhoun County AgriLife Extension Service will hold a 1-hour training Date:  Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Time: 8:30 am Cost:   $10 Location: Calhoun County Extension Office Auditorium 311 Henry Barber Way Port Lavaca, TX 77979 For questions call 361-552-9747