Leaders 4 Life


The Leaders 4 Life program focuses on the development of skills in the areas of leadership and parliamentary procedure. Youth are also challenged to learn about service learning and conduct a service learning project during the year. The Leaders 4 Life Skill-a-Thon provides an opportunity for teams of four to six individuals in the same age division to showcase their skills in parliamentary procedure, public speaking, general knowledge of 4-H, and more.

Leaders 4 Life Skill-A-Thon Components

Parliamentary Procedure Contest
The teams will demonstrate a simulated 4-H meeting using a standard agenda that is provided at the event. Teams of four to six county 4-H council members will have 20 minutes to conduct the meeting before a panel of judges. The maximum number of points for this part of the contest is 100.
Question-and-Answer Session
Each team will be asked 10 questions on parliamentary procedure. Every team member must answer at least one question but no more than three questions. The remaining questions may be answered by any team member, and the team members will choose who will answer the extra questions before they are read. Each contestant must begin a response within 10 seconds and complete the answer within 1 minute. Each question is worth up to 10 points, for a maximum score of 100 points.
Service Learning Interview
Each team will submit a simple document (not judged) that includes the name of a project that was conducted during the year. The document will include the project name and three or four sentences describing it. The judges will ask the team about the project and its use of the eight steps of service learning (outlined on page 6 of the Use Your Hands … For Service document).  The maximum score is 70 points

For More Information

For more information about Leadership, check out the following resources:
To learn more about Leaders 4 Life and see all of the resources for this program, please contact Laura Reyna, Wharton County 4-H Extension Agent, at 979-532-3310 or lereyna@ag.tamu.edu


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