Horse Validation

Horse validation is required for showing at District or State Horse Shows.  Texas 4-H rules state that the horse MUST be owned solely by the 4-H member, his/her parents, brother, sister, grandparents, or legal guardian. Horses under lease to, but not owned by any of the named persons, do NOT qualify. Horses owned in partnership or jointly with any person other than those previously listed do NOT meet ownership requirements. Horses owned in partnership or jointly with any person other than those previously listed do NOT meet ownership requirements.

The horse validation process will be completed electronically using the 4-H Online management system. Horses must be validated or re-validated each year. All 4-H members who wish to show at their District Show or the State 4-H Horse Show will be REQUIRED to validate their horse(s) on the 4-H Online system.

An illustrated step-by-step instruction guide for families for is available for download and reference on both the Texas 4-H website ( ) and the Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science – Equine Science website ( ) under the State 4-H Horse Show link.


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