Duds to Dazzle

Creating something new out of an item or series of items is a great way to use one’s creativity and upcyle unused articles into useable and stylish products. The skills and strategies used in the Duds to Dazzle contest are applicable even if entering the contest is not your end goal. They help you generate ideas and get organized for success with whatever you plan to do with your creation. In the Duds to Dazzle contest, youth participants are challenged to create something new out of an item or series of items that they will receive. This activity is designed to teach Duds to Dazzle teams how to create a project notebook to organize possible projects for possible startup items but is applicable in any setting.

Duds to Dazzle is a contest that allows members the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills learned in the 4-H Clothing and Textiles project. This contest focuses on making a viable product by recycling a textile that no longer serves its original purpose. Teams of 3 to 5 members will create a repurposed item from a predetermined textile. The teams will have 60 minutes to design and construct their product, which will fit into one of these three categories:

  1. Wearable
  2. Accessory/Jewelry
  3. Non-Wearable

Each team will give a presentation to a panel of judges explaining their design process and the steps taken to create the end product, how the item would be cared for, safety precautions taken into consideration, the target audience and purchasing venue, and the price for sale of their created merchandise. The first place team in each category at State 4-H Roundup will compete in a “Final Duds to Dazzle Challenge” on Thursday afternoon following the Duds to Dazzle Contest.


For more information about Duds to Dazzle, check out the Texas 4-H Fashion & Interior Design website.

Fashion & Interior Design

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