4-H Recordbook Update

Happy Monday 4-H Families,


As we move full speed ahead on a new 4-H year I just wanted to make sure that you were all aware of the newly released recordbook changes. This year there will be only be one form for all age divisions, each age division will then have a min and max of page numbers to be completed. I have included that below. I see this as being a great change moving forward and something that will make moving from one division to the next very seamless. I have attached the family guide and recordbook forms so that you can begin looking through them. I highly suggest that those of you who plan on or are contemplating doing one begin to start documenting all of the activities and events that you are completing with your 4-H projects.


More information about recordbooks can be found here: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/recordbooks/


I will be hosting a recordbook workshop on October 16th @ 6:30 pm at the Extension Office




Please let me know if you have any further questions,

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