Welcome to the 2017-2018 4-H year in Wharton County!
4-H Online Enrollment is open for the 2017-2018 year!!!
PLEASE do not enroll your 3rd grader until September 1. They will be classified as a Clover Kid and it takes many steps to remove them.
This email will provide you with the information and events that will be going on in the next few months. As soon as the fair gets me their final dates a 2017-2018 WHARTON COUNTY 4-H YEARLY CALENDAR will go out.
If anyone has a heifer, steer, lamb/goat or hog that have been validated/tagged for the State Fair of Texas in Dallas, entries for this need to done before Wednesday, August 23. Please come by my office to fill out the necessary forms and to pay the entry fees.
State Fair of Texas contests entry deadline is Wednesday, August 30. This is for: Team/Indiv Contests – Ag Mechanics, Dairy Judging, Food Challenge, Livestock Judging, Ag Product ID, as well as Individual Contests: Public Speaking, Beef, Sheep and Swine Skillathons.
Tag orders for Lambs/Goats for Major Shows (FW, SALE, Austin, HLSR) are due to CEO (4-H Office) by Friday, August 25. Tags are $18.00 per tag.
Dairy Judging Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 27 at 5:00pm at the home of Scott and Wendy Valenta. Danielle Valenta is the coach. She can be reached at 281-723-6242 or Valenta.Danielle@yahoo.com. You can also email Wendy Valenta @ cohnuclear@yahoo.com. If you are interested in learning to Dairy Judge and be a part of a team please contact Danielle.
Livestock Judging Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 31 at 6:30pm at CEO (4-H Office). If you are interested in Livestock Judging on a team for Wharton County 4-H please come to this meeting. A schedule of the contests will be given and shirt orders will be discussed.
County Council is heading off a raffle fundraiser this year to help raise funds for our county programming, projects (such as, shooting sports, leadership, food/nutrition, clothing/textiles), county contests (FS/FC, Roundup), leadership opportunities (Crossroads, State Roundup, Leadership Lab, Jr. Leadership Lab), and workshops (Livestock, Roundup, Recordbook, officer training). Raffle tickets will be brought to all club managers to be distributed at your September club meeting. In years past this fundraiser helped bring in $25,000. Items on the raffle include: 10 guns, gift cards, Porch Swing, Garden Wagon, Coolers, halter breaking, Hog Hunt, etc. Some of these items and other items are still being added. Tickets will be sold for $20/ticket or $100 for a book of 6.
If anyone would like to show a Heifer/Steer (state validated), Lamb/Goat or Hog at the Heart O’Texas Fair (Waco), entry deadline is Wednesday, September 13. Please come by my office to fill out the necessary forms and to pay the entry fees.
HOT – Waco Contests (Ag. Mechanics, Public Speaking, Food Challenge and Trap Shooting )entries are due Wednesday, September 13 as well. Please come by my office to fill out the necessary forms and to pay the entry fees.
HOT – Waco Dairy Judging and Livestock Judging can enter the morning of the contest for $10/participant.
If you have any questions about any of this please do not hesitate to give me a call at 979-532-3310 or send me an email at rachel.berry@ag.tamu.edu!!
More to come!!!