Author Archives: stacey.shanks
Train Like a Champion Multi-Species Livestock Clinic Jan 9
Happy Wednesday Wharton County 4-H members! This is a great opportunity for you to hop on and participate in a virtual clinic from the comfort of your home! Visit our website for links to each session:
Wharton County 4-H SENIOR DIVISION Photography Contest
Good afternoon Wharton County 4-H! Attached below you will find the SENIOR DIVISION entry form for our County Photography contest. This contest is open to SENIOR DIVISION 4-H MEMBERS ONLY in grades 9-12. Category first place entries for the SENIOR DIVISION will proceed to the State Contest. 2021-4H-Photography-Contest-SR-Entry-Form-011521-FILLABLE 20-21_Photography-Rules-and-Guidelines-D11 2020-2021-TX-4H-Photography-Rules-and-Categories All entries and contest forms are due on or before March 1, 2021 via email to You can also save the digital images on a flash drive and bring them to the Extension Office. Photos must be… Read More →
Updated COVID-19 Guidelines from AgriLife Extension
Wharton County has been designated as a Red County. With that comes the following stipulations that will go into effect on December 9 – December 23: Red Level: Counties with two of three factors pertaining to positivity rate of greater than 8% or more, OR a rapid rise in cases OR a hot spot No face to face Extension-hosted or Extension-sponsored events. No guest speaking or presenting at other entities’ events. No overnight events.
Give $4 to Grow 4-H
The Texas 4-H Foundation is running a giving campaign this December. They are asking each 4-H member to secure a $4 sponsor. They can collect more, but are only asking for $4! A portion of the proceeds collected from our county will be given back to Wharton County. At the County Council meeting we discussed an incentive for our 4-H members to each give $4 or more or to find a sponsor. If we collect $1500 as a county, at the County Council meeting following the announcement of… Read More →
Christmas Coloring Contest – All Ages!
At our County Council Meeting on Tuesday we decided to host a Coloring Contest for all age divisions: Clover Kids, Juniors, Intermediates, and Seniors. We will once again have two winners, a peoples choice winner and a winner selected by a panel of judges. Christmas Coloring Page: CLICK HERE Coloring pages are due on or before December 18th to the Extension Office