UPDATED Food Show and Food Challenge Information

Good Afternoon Wharton County 4-H members,

On Friday we released the information for the County Food Show and Food Challenge however since then we have had to make a change to the Food Show date. The Food Show will now be held on October 18th with more details to follow. Please keep in mind that we do NOT taste the Food Show dishes so those can be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated/frozen. Also, as with all events that we do I am more than happy to work with our youth to ensure that they can participate. It’s always extra special for me when our county contest have so much participation and we are well represented at District!

Also, if you know of anyone who you think could serve as a judge for our Food Show or Food Challenge, please send me their contact information. Finding judges is one of the most difficult things that we have to do to prepare for a contest.


County Food Show

Do you love to cook for your family or friends? Then the Food Show is for you! This is a great opportunity to present a dish that fits into this years theme: Backyard BBQ! Our County Food Show will be held on the afternoon of Sunday, October 18th here at the Extension Office. Entry forms are due on September 30th and can be found at the link below. More information about the event will be coming out over the next few weeks.



County Food Challenge

Do you love to cook and compete as a team? Grab 2 or 3 of your friends and join us for the County Food Challenge contest! The County Food Challenge will be held on the afternoon of Sunday, October 30th location TBA. Entry forms are due on October 10th and can be found at the link below. More information about the event will be coming over the next few weeks.


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