2019 Food Challenge Rules and Guidelines

Good Morning Wharton County 4-H Families,


Some of you may have come across the new updated Food Challenge Rules and Guidelines recently and I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of some of the significant changes that have been made. The District Rules and Guidelines have not been released so as of now these will only pertain to seniors but my guess is that the committee will decide that junior/intermediates will follow these rules as well. Below are some highlights of some of the big things:

  • Redesigned Scorecard
  • Members per team: Each team will have at least 3 and no more than 4 members
  • Updated Resource
  • Updated Supply Box List along with the “Gadget of the Year”
  • No recipe provided to contestants – teams will now determine the exact amount of each ingredients to use and must incorporate each ingredient into the dish
  • Update Cost Analysis Guidelines
  • Updated Presentation Criteria
  • All team members, or at least a majority, should participate in the presentation


Again, please be sure that you read over the attached in depth if you have a child that is involved in the food challenge contest.

As always, I’m here to answer any questions that you may have.

2019 Food Challenge Rules and Guidelines_8.20.18

2019 Food Challenge Scorecard Presentation_8.20.18

2019 Food Challenge Scorecard Preparation_8.20.18

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