Managing Juniper (Cedar) with Goats
Targeted Grazing with Goats and Sheep
Integrated Pest Management for Woody Encroachment
Range & Pasture Herbicide – Mode of Action Guide
Prescribed Fire
Benefits of Rangeland Prescribed Burning
Burn Severity Maps for the 2017 Panhandle Fire
Cut and Stuff Practices for Enhanced Cedar Control with Prescribed Fire
Fire Appreciation Day Abstracts Summaries and Abstracts from Fire Appreciation Day
Legal Barriers to Prescribed Burning
Managing Texas Juniper with Prescribed Burning
On Site Brush Pile Burning in Texas
Plant Response to Seasonal Fire in the Edwards Plateau, High Plains, and Rolling Plains
Prescribed Burning: Liability Considerations
Prescribed Burning Liability and Insurance Considerations
Prescribed Burning: Spotfires and Escapes
Prescribed Fire: A Tool for Landowners Large and Small
Prescribed Fire: Understanding Liability, Laws, and Risk
Texas Open Burning Rules and Regulations
Rangeland Plants
Cheatgrass Invasions in the Lower Rolling Plains of Texas
Cut and Stuff Practices for Enhanced Cedar Control with Prescribed Fire
Managing Heat for Wildlife on Texas Rangelands
Native Plants for Edwards Plateau Landscapes
Popular Perennial Grasses of the Edwards Plateau
Rangeland Production Lost to Woody Encroachment in Great Plains Grasslands
Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands
Understanding Native Perennial Grass Growth
Understanding Wildfire Response