District 8 Surge

2024 District 8 4-H Surge


Objective:   To prepare teen leaders from the 21 counties in District 8 for leadership roles. These roles might be at the county level, or county committees, or their clubs. The hope is that participants will take information back from SURGE and share it with members back in their counties. SURGE is set up to be enjoyable and fun, but there is work too. Many workshops are set up that will require concentration and serious participation. Speeches are delivered for officer elections. 4-H members in grades 8-12 (of the current 4-H year) are eligible to attend. We work and we play. Play time is set up with activities that build teamwork skills and camaraderie in the district.

4-H CONNECT REGISTRATION:  TBD  https://texas.4honline.com

DATES & TIME:  Monday, June 24 through Thursday, June 27, 2024.  Arrive no earlier than 1:00 pm on Tuesday. Adjourn at 11:15 am on Thursday.

LOCATION: Courtyard Marriott-New Braunfels Village, New Braunfels, TX

COST:  $300 for youth participants/$275 for adults

WHO CAN ATTEND:  All District 8 4-H Council officers plus representatives from each county. All participants must have completed the 8th grade to attend SURGE.


HEALTH & RELEASE FORMS:  Every participant, youth and adults, will need to complete a Health and Release form packet. Forms are included in this letter and will                                                                                                                  be able to be downloaded from 4-H Online.
The completed, signed forms will need to be scanned as a pdf and uploaded to 4-H Online during the registration process. Please note:                                                                                                        The forms require a copy of the participant’s insurance card.
 Each chaperone will be required to have one copy of these forms with them while traveling.

SERVICE PROJECT: We will be making tissue paper floral arrangements. If you have
pipe cleaners or
tissue paper to share, please bring it with you.

WHAT TO BRING: – Your own pillow/blanket (all other linens are provided by the hotel

– Beach towel for Schlitterbahn
– Swimsuit (**must be appropriate and cover all body parts)
– Water shoes or old tennis shoes for Schlitterbahn
– Comfortable, casual clothes for workshops, dances
– No flip flops or other backless sandals are allowed during the dance. They must be close-toed shoes.
– Sturdy shoes for active games
– A light jacket or sweater is also recommended, as the classrooms may be cool.
– Sunscreen
– Bug Spray
– There is a snack bar and Starbucks on site. If you would like to visit these options, please bring money with you as these are not included in the registration.

WHAT NOT TO BRING: – Fireworks, ropes, roping dummies, water balloons, water guns, silly string, etc.
– Expensive jewelry/accessories
– Excessive food/drinks and gum
– Bad attitude
– Alcohol
– Unnecessary electronics

DRESS CODE: Please remind 4-H members that the 4-H Dress Code will be in effect:
– Items not allowed: tops with spaghetti straps, halter type tops, shirts that reveal the midriff, excessively loose-fitting pants or jeans, short shorts or skirts, clothing advertising or
referencing alcohol, drugs, violence or having sexual content.
– Two-piece swimsuits are allowed but should adequately cover all body parts.
– Campers will be given 1 warning about dress code violations and will then be provided an opportunity to change or have their parent retrieve them from camp.
– We will participate in an Etiquette Dinner, as well as a more formal evening. For this evening, we encourage you to dress the part. Sunday best is preferred.

PARENT HANDBOOK: Detailed information about dress code, behavior expectations, emergency contact information for parents, etc. can found in the Parent Handbook: We will follow
this dress code for our camp.  https://texas4hcenter.tamu.edu/services/youth-camps-and-retreats/parent- handbook/

SCHEDULE: A tentative schedule is enclosed; however, it is subject  to change. During your free time, the following recreational opportunities will be available:
Zip Line water slide, volleyball, ping pong, softball, tennis, basketball, swimming and a variety of other games.

THEME & DANCE THEMES:  This year’s theme for SURGE is “Living the 4-H Dream.” We invite you to join as we live out our 4-H Dreams! We are dreaming of our dream job, our dream vacation, our dream 4-H experience, and we hope to bring all those dreams to fruition through our dream organization at this year’s SURGE.

Dance themes for each night are as follows:
Monday-Tacky Tourist [Hawaiian]

Tuesday-Dress for your Dream Job

Wednesday-Sunday Best [Etiquette Dinner]

OFFICER ELECTIONS: One of the major events of SURGE will be the election of officers for the District 8 4-H Council. Refer to the standing rules for eligibility. Council Officer Applications are due on 4-H Online by May 24, 2024. Refer to the separate officer election letter for further details. That information can be found on the District 8 4-H Council Officer page:


2024 SURGE Forms


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