Texas 4-H Congress

July 17-20, 2022


A select number of 4-H Delegates will be allotted to each district.  So don’t be late applying!!!   Texas 4-H Congress allows 4-H members to experience the law making process first hand by writing, submitting, and then serving as a member of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Press, or as a Lobbyist. From these roles, the 4-H members determine the fate of each bill submitted.


Senior 4-H Members

A select number of 4-H delegates will be allotted to each district.


Registration Information will be available in the Spring


Bill Submission Requirements

Any 4-H member, regardless of age or planning on attending Texas 4-H Congress, must submit a legislative bill for consideration.  Participation in the bill writing exercise allows 4-H members the opportunity to become engaged in the legislative process and the 4-H citizenship project. 4-H members attending Texas 4-H Congress will be required to submit at least one bill (this includes Texas 4-H Council, Tech Team, etc) prior to their registration to the event being accepted.

Committees are:

  • Agriculture and Livestock (AGL)
  • Education (EDU)
  • Energy and Environment (EEV)
  • Government, Finance, & Appropriations (GFA)
  • Homeland Security and Public Safety (HPS)
  • Judiciary and Juvenile Justice (JJJ)
  • Public Health & Welfare (PHW)

To learn more on how to write and submit a bill download the “Preparing a Legislative Bill for Texas 4-H Congress” as well as work with your county Extension agent or a volunteer.


The Lobbyist group is designed for 4-H members who have attended Texas 4-H Congress previously.  The responsibility of the Lobbyist group is to identify certain bills and then lobby members of the House and Senate to either pass or defeat the bill. Lobbyists should be knowledgeable about Texas 4-H Congress and the schedule that it follows. Lobbyist members should be prepared to and be able to approach other 4-H members and persuade House and Senate members for support. The Lobbyist group will hold a private reception for certain House and Senate Members, along with Congress Leadership.

Fore more information, go to http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/events/congress/


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