Category Archives: Uncategorized

USDA To Require Electronic Tags for Certain Cattle & Bison Crossing State Lines

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a Final Rule modifying requirements for certain cattle and bison producers who ship animals across state lines.  Specifically, the Final Rule, set to go into effect on November 5, 2024, will require ear tags that are both visually and electronically readable for interstate movement of certain bison and cattle.  To hear a discussion of the new Final Rule, click here for a podcast interview I did with Chelsea Good. Here is a brief rundown of the new rule’s requirements. Who: … Read More →

Federal Judge Enjoins USDA from Using “Socially Disadvantaged Farmer/Rancher” Category in Making ERP 2022 Payments

A federal judge in Texas entered an injunction in Strickland v. USDA prohibiting the USDA from providing increased payments or additional relief to those meeting its definition of a “socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher” in its ERP 2022 program.  [Read Opinion and Order here.]  While the injunction applies only to ERP 2022, the Court’s discussion of the Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits could seemingly apply to other programs for which the “socially disadvantaged” categorization is used. Background Plaintiffs are Texas farmers who sued the USDA alleging the USDA’s… Read More →

Recent Recorded Programs & Interviews

Over the past few months, I have done a number of recorded presentations and interviews.  We have collected those in one place for you to watch and/or listen below. Farm & Ranch Estate Planning Presentation – Tarrant County Women in Agriculture A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to talk farm and ranch estate planning basics with at a program for women hosted by Tarrant County AgriLife Extension.  To watch, click here. If you are interested in a more in-depth discussion of these same topics, check… Read More →

Texas Farmers Sue USDA for Alleged Discrimination

A group of Texas farmers recently filed suit against the United States Department of Agriculture claiming that the USDA improperly discriminated against them in administering various disaster and pandemic relief programs. Plaintiffs in Strickland v. USDA challenge the USDA’s disparate treatment for certain producers based upon race and sex. The Plaintiffs assert that the USDA violated both the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution and the Administrative Procedures Act. Background The Plaintiffs note that over the past four years, Congress appropriated $13.7 billion to USDA to implement crop and… Read More →

The Panhandle Wildfire Aftermath – Resources for Producers & Landowners

The damage and devastation left in the wake of the Panhandle wildfires is unimaginable and will continue to impact landowners, agricultural producers, families, and communities for years to come. As those impacted begin to rebuild, there are resources available to help. USDA Programs There are a number of programs through the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) that may be available to assist producers who have suffered losses of land, livestock, and fences due to the fires. We have a podcast episode and video walking… Read More →

2024 Live Programs — Come Join Us!

Did you know we host three different live programs around the state of Texas every year?  We’ve already kicked off our 2024 schedule with a great event in Tyler.  Below, please find all of our upcoming 2024 events. Note that both the Owning Your Piece of Texas programs and Ranchers Leasing Workshops offer CE credit for real estate agents.  To see more information or to register for any of these events, click below. San Angelo Owning Your Piece of Texas San Angelo Ranchers Leasing Workshop San Marcos Owning… Read More →

Lawsuit Challenges Texas Animal Health Commission Authority over White-Tailed Deer

The Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston recently ruled on a case regarding the jurisdiction of the Texas Animal Health Commission and the regulation of white-tailed deer to prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease.  [Read Opinion here.] Background RW Trophy Ranch (“RW”) is a deer breeding ranch in northeast Texas. It consists of a 68-acre deer breeding facility surrounded by a 1,500 acre ranch.  RW was certified under the Texas Animal Health Commission’s Texas Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program (“Program”).   The goal of the program is… Read More →

1,000th Blog Post Giveaways!

We have officially published our 1,000th blog post!  When I started writing the Texas Agriculture Law Blog ten and a half years ago, I never dreamed we would still be going strong with so many posts, readers, and sponsors.   It is one of my very favorite projects I get to do. To celebrate our 1,000th post and to say “thank you” to our readers, we are going to be doing four giveaways! Several of our friends who have helped as speakers at various programs have helped us source… Read More →

Reporting Required for Entities Under Corporate Transparency Act

A new federal reporting requirement for most small business entities will impact a number of farms, ranches, and agricultural businesses who have organized as a business entity such as an LLC, corporation, or limited partnership.  We’ve got the answers to your questions below! Why? The Corporate Transparency Act is a law enacted to prevent money laundering, corrupt financial transactions, and financial terrorism.  As part of that effort, the Act requires the United States Department of Treasury’s Federal Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to maintain a national database of beneficial… Read More →

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!