Category Archives: Carbon Contracts

June 7, 2024 Weekly Round Up

Summer is here and there are plenty of agricultural law updates to discuss. *Lawsuit filed challenging law creating business courts.  On May 23, Dallas County filed suit challenging the constitutionality of the business court system created by the Texas Legislature last session.  The new courts have jurisdiction in high-dollar business cases, with the judges appointed by the governor and a 15th Court of Appeals to hear all appeals.  The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the business court set up in creating a state-wide district for the new Court… Read More →

February 2, 2024 Weekly Round Up

February is coming in hot on the agricultural law front!  We have a number of updates on important issues from around the country. *Oral argument set at SCOTUS for Texas v. New Mexico. The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in Texas v. New Mexico, a water law case involving the Rio Grande on March 20.  You may recall from prior blog posts that Texas sued New Mexico claiming New Mexico failed to honor the spirit of a 1938 compact providing for certain deliveries of water on the Rio… Read More →

Lawsuit Claims Delta Airlines’ Claim of Being First Carbon Neutral Airline Misleads Consumers

A California woman recently filed suit against Delta Airlines arguing that its claim to be the first carbon neutral airline is untrue and misleading to consumers.  There are a number of important considerations for those involved in agriculture generally and carbon contracts specifically to be gleaned from this case. Note:  All information below was obtained from the Plaintiffs’ Complaint.  Delta has not yet filed its Answer and there has been no judicial rulings on these allegations. Background Delta is one of the major commercial airlines in the United… Read More →

New Fact Sheet: Carbon Contract Checklist

My student assistant, Karli Kaase, and I recently co-authored a fact sheet offering a list of terms for landowners considering entering into a carbon contract.  [View fact sheet here.] It is critical for landowners to understand that every contract is different, and the devil is in the details.  Before signing a contract, landowners should carefully read the entire document, and I recommend contacting an attorney well-versed in carbon contracts to assist with negotiation and evaluation. To learn more about carbon markets, click here for a podcast episode I… Read More →

June 30, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday and Happy Independence Day to everyone!  We’ve got a number of ag law issues to cover in today’s Weekly Round Up. *EPA to revise WOTUS rule by September 1 to comply with SCOTUS decision in Sackett v. EPA.   The EPA announced it will issue a revised final WOTUS Rule by September 1 in light of the US Supreme Court decision in Sackett v. EPA.  As you recall from this blog post and this podcast episode, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the “significant nexus test” was not the… Read More →

December 16, 2022 Weekly Round Up

We are here with our final round up of 2022.  It has been a busy year.  If you missed our National Year in Review blog post, click here. If you prefer audio, you can check out my podcast episode with Paul Goeringer here.  Be sure to check back on Monday for our Texas Year in Review post as well. Here are a few of the ag law stories in the news. Oral argument held in dicamba case before D.C. Court of Appeals.  Oral argument was held this week in… Read More →

2022 Ag Law Year in Review – National

I always enjoy the chance to look back over the year and recap the biggest agricultural law developments.  There was certainly no shortage agricultural law happenings in 2022.  Today, we’ll look at the national agricultural law scene, and next Monday, we will focus specifically on Texas.  If you want to hear more about some of the biggest national ag law stories of the year, click here for a podcast episode I did with my friend, Paul Goeringer.  With that, let’s get started! Carbon Contracts The topic about which… Read More →

December 2, 2022 Weekly Round Up

Happy December! We are back with a number of updates for you with regard to agricultural law news around the country. *Lesser prairie chicken listed under Endangered Species Act.  On November 17, the US Fish and Wildlife Service issued a press release that it will be listing the lesser prairie chicken as threatened in the northern distinct population segment (including areas in southeastern Colorado, southcentral and western Kansas, western Oklahoma, and the northeastern Texas Panhandle.) and endangered in the southern distinct population segment (including areas in eastern New… Read More →

September 30, 2022 Weekly Round Up

It is hard to believe we have reached the end of September.  It has been a busy couple of weeks in the agricultural law realm. *Ag policy lesson from Dr. Outlaw.  Dr. Joe Outlaw offered an important ag policy lesson earlier this week on the Southern Ag Today website talking about unintended consequences. He discussed a proposed rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission on climate-related disclosures and how the requirement could have major impacts on agriculture.  [Read article here.] *EPA sued over alleged FOIA violations.  The Center… Read More →

Should I Sell Carbon Credits? A Decision Guide for Ranchers

I was honored to be invited to be part of a team put together by the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management tasked with providing information to ranchers about carbon contracts.  As part of our work, we drafted a white paper to help explain what carbon is, how it can be stored in the soil, how this market for selling carbon credits has arisen, who are the parties involved in the contracts, and what production, legal, and economic risks should be considered.  To view our paper, click here…. Read More →