Five Strands: A Landowner’s Guide to Fence Law in Texas

Is a landowner liable of his cattle get out and are hit on the road?  Can I make my neighbor chip in and and pay for repairs to our shared boundary fence?  What do I do when someone else’s cattle are on my land?  What can I do about my neighbor’s tree limbs hanging over the fence and onto my property?

These are the types of questions that Jim Bradbury, Kyle Weldon, and I set out to answer in our most recent publication, “Five Strands: A Landowner’s Guide to Fence Law in Texas.”

This handbook was written in terms that “normal people” (as opposed to lawyers) can understand and is designed as a resource that can be thrown on the dash of a pick up along with a ranchers’ other important documents.  Our goal was to help answer common questions related to fence law that come up frequently for Texas landowners and livestock producers.

Additionally, if you are interested in this topic, the TSCRA is hosting a free webinar featuring Jim and me on Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 pm.  To register, visit the TSCRA Events page (click here) and select Texas Fence Law Webinar.



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