Category Archives: Weekly Round Up

September 11, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  We’ve had quite the cold snap come through the Texas Panhandle this week–when I was feeding on Wednesday morning, it was a brisk 36 degrees!  Here’s wishing everyone a big of a warmer weekend. Here are some of the ag law stories over the past couple of weeks. *Court dismisses western cattle groups lawsuits against NWPR Rule.  An Oregon federal court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, Washington Cattlemen’s Association and New Mexico Cattle Growers Association challenging the Navigable Waters Protection Rule,… Read More →

August 28, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Welcome to another agricultural law weekly round up.  Here are some of the recent ag law stories in the news. *USDA issues Final Rule modifying eligibility rules to qualify for farm program payments.  The USDA Farm Service Agency issued a Final Rule making changes to eligibility requirements for farm program payments.  One expected change per the 2018 Farm Bill allows first cousins, nieces, and nephews to qualify under the definition of “family member.”  A more unexpected change dealt with modifications of definitions of “active personal management” and “significant… Read More →

August 14, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  It has been a busy few weeks for me. I want to welcome those of you joining from the Beef Cattle Short Course presentation last week.  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. *CFAP program expanded, deadline extended.  The USDA announced this week that there have been additional commodities added to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.  Most notably, all sheep will now qualify for payment, while previously it was only lambs under 2 years of age.  For sheep producers, the payments… Read More →

July 24, 2020 Weekly Round Up

We’ve made it to another Friday!  Many of you saw my post on Twitter a couple of weeks ago about how dry we were back at my parents’ ranch.  I’m happy to report they’ve received 3″ of rain in the last week.  You’ll see water standing in the rows in the photo below.   It was a sight for sore eyes, for sure!   * US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upholds registration for Enlist Duo herbicide.  In a much-anticipated decision, the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion… Read More →

July 10, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  We are looking at a high of 108 today in the Texas Panhandle.  I hope you are all staying cool and healthy. Here are some of the agricultural law stories in the news over the past week. *Texas Wildlife Association Annual Convention available online.  The Texas Wildlife Association has curated a wonderful annual convention and has posted every session online, available to anyone, for free!  This includes my 30 minute presentation on landowner liability, which you can watch by clicking here. *USDA seeks comment on potential… Read More →

July 3, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy Independence Day!  I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.  Here are a few of the ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *Dicamba update.  As you recall from this prior post the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an order vacating registrations for three over-the-top dicamba products for soybeans and cotton.  Shortly thereafter, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a cancellation order, which allowed certain existing stocks to be used through July 31.  [Read blog post on… Read More →

June 12, 2020 Weekly Round Up

It has been a crazy couple of weeks in the ag law realm!  Here is a quick recap of some of the major stories. * Dicamba, of course.  This has been the story for agriculture over the past two weeks.  As we discussed in this blog post, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the federal registration for three products, Xtendimax, FeXapan, and Engenia.  Then, a few days later, as we discussed in this blog post, the EPA issued a Final Cancellation Order, which did… Read More →

May 29, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Thanks for joining us for another Ag Law Weekly Round Up!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *CFAP program sign up is underway.  Sign up for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program is open through August 28, 2020.  For more information on this program, click here for the TAMU Ag & Food Policy Center overview of the program.  For sign up information and forms necessary, click here. *Sackett Clean Water Act litigation continues.  Back in 2012, the US Supreme… Read More →

May 15, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  It’s been a busy couple of weeks on the ag law front.  Here are some of the cases in the news. *Appellate court finds Texas Central Railroad is a “railroad company” and an “interurban electric railway.”  One of the main legal battles over the proposed high speed rail project in Central Texas has been whether the builder, Texas Central Railroad & Infrastructure, Inc. qualifies as a “railroad company” or an “interurban electric railway.”  If so, the company would likely be entitled to use eminent domain to… Read More →

May 1, 2020 Weekly Round Up

Happy May Day to all!  I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Here are some of the biggest ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *Navigable Waters Protection Rule is published.  The WOTUS saga continues.  The Trump administration’s definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act, newly named “Navigable Waters Protection Rule,” was published in the Federal Register on April 21.  I’ll have a blog post discussing the details soon, but for now if you want to read… Read More →