Category Archives: Solar

October 7, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy October!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * Supreme Court to consider landmark groundwater dispute between Mississippi and Tennessee.  A groundwater dispute in which Mississippi claims that Tennessee is over-pumping an aquifer that lays beneath both states will be considered by the United States Supreme Court.  [Read article here.] *Lots to think about before entering into a solar lease agreement.  The Texas Observer published an article this week discussing a number of considerations that landowners need to keep in mind when approached… Read More →

Extension Fact Sheet: Solar Lease Considerations

Many Texas landowners have recently been contacted by solar companies about potentially leasing their farm or ranchland for a solar energy project. I recently published a Fact Sheet outlining just a few considerations that landowners need to be aware of when approached by a solar company.  As always, I highly recommend consulting with an attorney who has experience negotiating solar lease agreements to protect your rights and your land before signing any lease agreement.  To download the fact sheet, click here. Additionally, if you missed the solar leasing… Read More →

Solar Leasing Webinar

Recently, Texas A&M Agrilife Extension helped co-sponsor a webinar hosted by my friend Paul Goeringer at the University of Maryland.  The topic was solar lease agreements and the speaker was the famous Dr. Shannon Ferrell of Oklahoma State University.  I still get phone calls about once a week from folks who have been contacted by a solar company about potentially leasing their land.  This webinar offers invaluable information about the solar energy process, key questions and considerations for landowners, and other important topics. To view the webinar, click… Read More →