Hard Copies of Handbooks Now Available!

Over the last few years, I have written several handbooks related to agricultural law.

Each of these books are available to download for free on the “Published Materials” page of this blog.

I’ve had several requests from folks who (like me!) prefer hard copies rather than reading on the computer screen.  We are happy to announce that we now have hard copies of each of these handbooks for sale.  The Owning Your Piece of Texas book is $30 and the Ranchers Leasing Handbook and Petroleum Production on Ag Lands in Texas are both $25 each.  If you would like to order a copy, you can call my amazing assistant, Lacrecia, at 806.677.5625 and she will get you taken care of.

Happy reading!

Ranchers Leasing Workshop is now available on demand to be taken anytime at your own pace. To register click here.


We are excited to also offer an Online Owning Your Piece of Texas course.  This 8.5 hour class is on demand, allowing  you to watch whenever and wherever you would like.  The online course, taught by Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, will cover every topic included in the Owning Your Piece of Texas handbook. For more information or to register, click here.

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