Case Addresses Fence Boundary Line Dispute Between Neighbors

The Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston recently ruled in Malhorta v. Quintanilla, a lawsuit that involved a boundary line dispute and the location of fence and debris. Background Mr. Quintanilla and Mr. Malhorta are neighboring landowners.  Quintanilla filed a lawsuit against Malhorta seeking damages for trespass because of a fence encroaching on his property. Quintanilla hired a surveyor who concluded that the fence dividing their two properties encroached onto Quintanilla’s property.   As early as 2017,  Quintanilla requested Malhorta move the encroaching fence to the property boundary line…. Read More →

March 15, 2024 Weekly Round Up

It has only been two weeks since our last Weekly Round Up, but there have been a number of major news items related to agricultural law! * Resources for producers and landowners impacted by Panhandle wildfires.  On Monday, we posted a blog with information for producers and landowners who suffered losses during the wildfires about resources available. We have continued to update that document as additional resources have been announced.  To read more, click here.  In particular, I want to highlight an announcement from USDA about $6 million… Read More →

The Panhandle Wildfire Aftermath – Resources for Producers & Landowners

The damage and devastation left in the wake of the Panhandle wildfires is unimaginable and will continue to impact landowners, agricultural producers, families, and communities for years to come. As those impacted begin to rebuild, there are resources available to help. USDA Programs There are a number of programs through the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) that may be available to assist producers who have suffered losses of land, livestock, and fences due to the fires. We have a podcast episode and video walking… Read More →

Texas Supreme Court Finds Landowner Not Liable in Railroad Crossing Death

Last week, in Union Pacific Railroad Co. & Ezra Alderman Ranches v. Prado, the Texas Supreme Court addressed the liability of a landowner and railroad company when a railroad crossing fatality occurs on private land. Background In 2015, Rolando Prado, Jr. died when his pickup was struck by a Union Pacific (UP) train.  The crossing at issue is on private property owned by Ezra Alderman Ranches (the Ranch).  Prado was returning from his first day working at a new jobsite about 7:30 pm. He was driving at or under… Read More →

March 1, 2024 Weekly Round Up

It has certainly been a challenging week here in the Texas Panhandle.  Thank you to everyone who checked on me and my family.  Things got pretty intense for us on Tuesday as an evacuation order was issued.  We were able to get our cattle out of the pasture closest to the fire.  The fire missed our property, but so many others were not as fortunate.   The fires continue to burn. Many of you have asked how you can help.  Here is information on the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension… Read More →

2024 Live Programs — Come Join Us!

Did you know we host three different live programs around the state of Texas every year?  We’ve already kicked off our 2024 schedule with a great event in Tyler.  Below, please find all of our upcoming 2024 events. Note that both the Owning Your Piece of Texas programs and Ranchers Leasing Workshops offer CE credit for real estate agents.  To see more information or to register for any of these events, click below. San Angelo Owning Your Piece of Texas San Angelo Ranchers Leasing Workshop San Marcos Owning… Read More →

Texas Supreme Court Rules in Case Involving Implied Easement

The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled in Albert v. Fort Worth & Western Railroad Company, a case addressing legal access to a landlocked tract of land in Johnson County.  This case is a great reminder of the law regarding access to property and the various types of implied easements in Texas law. Background At issue in this case is access to a 10-acre property located in Johnson County, Texas (“the Property”).  It is separated from State Highway 171 by a strip of land owned by the Ft. Worth &… Read More →

Court Vacates Over-The-Top Dicamba Registration; EPA Issues Existing Stocks Order

In a situation reminiscent of 2020, an Arizona federal court has vacated the registration of three over-the-top dicamba products, XtendiMax, Enginia, and Tavium (the Products).  See Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Envt’l Agency, No. 4:20-cv-00555 (D. Ariz. Feb. 6, 2024).   The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an existing stocks order allowing for some limited uses in specific circumstances for the 2024 growing season. Background Dicamba is a herbicide used to kill broadleaf plants that has been on the market for over 50 years.  Dicamba is… Read More →

February 16, 2024 Weekly Round Up

There has been no shortage of agricultural law news in the last two weeks!  Here are some of the biggest stories from around the country. *Court revokes over-the-top dicamba registration; EPA issues existing stocks order.  In a situation similar to what cotton and soybean growers faced in 2020, a federal court has revoked the FIFRA registration for three dicamba products, XtendiMax, Enginia, and Tavium.  [Read Order here.]  On Wednesday, the EPA issued an existing stocks order which will allow “existing stocks” that were in the United States and… Read More →

Lawsuit Challenges Texas Animal Health Commission Authority over White-Tailed Deer

The Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston recently ruled on a case regarding the jurisdiction of the Texas Animal Health Commission and the regulation of white-tailed deer to prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease.  [Read Opinion here.] Background RW Trophy Ranch (“RW”) is a deer breeding ranch in northeast Texas. It consists of a 68-acre deer breeding facility surrounded by a 1,500 acre ranch.  RW was certified under the Texas Animal Health Commission’s Texas Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program (“Program”).   The goal of the program is… Read More →