Category Archives: Weekly Round Up

April 21, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Here are a few of the ag law stories in the news the past couple of weeks. *North Dakota court issues injunction against Biden WOTUS rule in 24 states.  The judge hearing a WOTUS lawsuit filed by 24 states in North Dakota issued an injunction against the rule in each of those states.  [Read article here.]  In addition to the 24 states impacted by this injunction, remember that a Texas judge previously issued an injunction prohibiting the rule from going into effect in Texas and Idaho.  [Read article… Read More →

April 7, 2023 Weekly Round Up

It’s been another busy couple of weeks in the world of agricultural law. *State of Texas files suit challenging lesser prairie chicken listing.  The State of Texas has filed suit challenging the listing of the lesser prairie chicken as threatened and endangered pursuant to the Endangered Species Act.  The lawsuit claims the listing violates the Administrative Procedure Act, the Endangered Species and the National Environmental Policy Act.  In addition to these claims, the lawsuit alleges that this action “threats to derail” the efforts undertaken by the State and… Read More →

March 10, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Once again, it has been a busy couple of weeks on the agricultural law front.  Here are some of the key ag law stories in the news. *US Supreme Court will not hear New Mexico stream access case.  The United States Supreme Court has denied a Petition for Certiorari in  Chama Troutstalkers, LLC v. Adobe Whitewater Club of New Mexico.  You may recall from this prior blog post that the New Mexico Supreme Court held laws allowing landowners to close portions of streams on private property were unconstitutional.  This… Read More →

February 17, 2023 Weekly Round Up

We’re back with another collection of ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *Over the counter antibiotics will require prescription starting in June.  Texas A&M AgriLife Extension recently published an article looking at changes coming to how producers can buy certain antibiotics for livestock.  Starting on June 11, medically important antimicrobial drugs will require a prescription for purchase.  The article includes a list of products that will be affected by this new rule including penicillin, oxytetracycline, and more.  Experts advise producers should take the… Read More →

January 27, 2023 Weekly Round Up

The year started out with a bang and has not slowed down yet!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *USFWS extends effective date for lesser prairie chicken listing.  The USFWS is delaying the effective date of the lesser prairie chicken listing for 60 days until March 27, 2023.  [Read article here.] *APHIS proposes electronic identification rule for certain cattle crossing state lines.  The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has issued a proposed rule that would… Read More →

January 13, 2023 Weekly Round Up

I am always amazed by the number of important agricultural law issues that seem to happen over the holiday break. This year was no exception.  Here is a look at some of the key agricultural law stories over the past couple of weeks from around the country. *Biden administration releases final WOTUS Rule.  The Biden administration released the pre-publication version of their “Waters of the United States” definition.  The 600-page document goes into significant detail about the new regulatory definition.  The Rule will be effective 60 days after… Read More →

December 16, 2022 Weekly Round Up

We are here with our final round up of 2022.  It has been a busy year.  If you missed our National Year in Review blog post, click here. If you prefer audio, you can check out my podcast episode with Paul Goeringer here.  Be sure to check back on Monday for our Texas Year in Review post as well. Here are a few of the ag law stories in the news. Oral argument held in dicamba case before D.C. Court of Appeals.  Oral argument was held this week in… Read More →

December 2, 2022 Weekly Round Up

Happy December! We are back with a number of updates for you with regard to agricultural law news around the country. *Lesser prairie chicken listed under Endangered Species Act.  On November 17, the US Fish and Wildlife Service issued a press release that it will be listing the lesser prairie chicken as threatened in the northern distinct population segment (including areas in southeastern Colorado, southcentral and western Kansas, western Oklahoma, and the northeastern Texas Panhandle.) and endangered in the southern distinct population segment (including areas in eastern New… Read More →

November 11, 2022 Weekly Round Up

Happy Veteran’s Day, and thank you to all who have served. We’re back again with a number of developments in the agricultural law world over the past few weeks. *PRF Deadline December 1.  Don’t forget that the deadline to sign up for Pasture, Range & Forage insurance (commonly referred to as “rainfall insurance”) is coming up on December 1.  To read more about this insurance option, click here.  For a detailed discussion of PRF and the decisions a landowner must make during sign up, click here for a… Read More →

October 14, 2022 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  It has been a busy couple of weeks in the ag law world. *US Supreme Court hears oral argument in two key cases.  The US Supreme Court heard oral argument in two key ag-related cases.  First, on October 3, 2022, the Justices heard argument in Sackett v. EPA, a case looking at the proper test for determining whether a wetland is considered a “water of the United States” under the Clean Water Act.  [Read more here.]  To listen to the recording of this argument or read the… Read More →