Category Archives: Texas Water Wars

March 11, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday to everyone!  There were lots of interesting ag law stories in the news this week.  Let’s take a look. * Mexico Complies with Rio Grande Treaty Obligations.  You may remember from this prior post the long running dispute between Texas and Mexico regarding water owed to the US under the 1944 Rio Grande Treaty.  For several years, Mexico had been behind on the required water delivery.  As of January 25, the International Boundary and Water Commission confirmed that Texas had delivered all water owed under the… Read More →

December 9, 2014 Weekly Round Up

Because I did not get the Weekly Round Up post up last Friday, I figured better late than never, so here is the first-ever Tuesday weekly round up of ag law stories in the news. * LCRA Seeks Approval to Cut Off Downstream Irrigation Releases for Fourth Year in a Row.  In a story that is unfortunately becoming all to common, the Lower Colorado River Authority voted 11-2 to seek permission from the TCEQ to curtail downstream releases from the Highland Lakes.  The curtailment would not just impact… Read More →

Weekly Round Up Catch Up (October 24 – November 7)

You all may have noticed the lack of weekly round up posts for the last couple of Fridays.  I apologize for that, but hope you will agree I had a good excuse…. In addition to getting married, I was also fortunate to be able to speak at two national conferences.  First, I spoke on grazing and hunting leases at the American Agricultural Law Association Conference in Albuquerque and then I spoke on regulatory takings of water at the American Water Resources Association Conference in Washington, DC.  Both were… Read More →

August 1, 2014 Weekly Round Up

This week I made the journey to Menard, TX for the “All About Water” program where I spoke about Texas water law.  It was an absolutely group in attendance and I thoroughly enjoyed their questions and participation.  Thanks to Lisa Brown for the invitation to attend.  To those of you visiting form that program, welcome! Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. *New Mexico Slaughterhouse Withdraws Permit.  Valley Meats Co. has withdrawn its permit application with the New Mexico Environment Department for… Read More →

Texas v. New Mexico: Review of New Mexico’s Motion to Dismiss

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.* This week I will be in Medford, Massachusetts presenting on the Texas v. New Mexico battle over the Rio Grande at the University Council of Water Resources conference.  As part of my preparation for my presentations, I thoroughly reviewed the briefing filed in the Supreme Court by all parties in this case.  Today, I will review New Mexico’s Motion to Dismiss.  Texas’ Response is expected in the coming week and I will provide a review of the… Read More →

May 23, 2014 Weekly Round Up

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.* Last week, I spoke to a large group of West Texas ranchers at the 5th Annual NRCS Rancher’s Workshop in Mertzon about key oil and gas and pipeline easement concepts for landowners.  It was a great program and I appreciate Jaime Tankersley inviting me to participate!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week.  Welcome to those of you joining from that presentation. *  TCEQ Proposal Could Further Limit Water For Rice… Read More →

April 4, 2014 Weekly Round Up

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.* This week I have been making the rounds from Indianapolis, Indiana to Athens, Texas!  In Indianapolis, Paul Goeringer (University of Maryland Extension) and I presented at the Women in Agriculture Educators Conference on legal risk management, where I specifically focused on water law education in Texas.  Additionally, I presented at the Cattleman’s Cow-Calf Clinic in Athens, Texas.  Henderson County Extension Agent Rick Hirsch and his cattle committee did a great job of planning this clinic and I enjoyed the chance to… Read More →

March 28, 2014 Weekly Round Up

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.* I have been traveling a lot of miles lately speaking at various extension programs across Texas.  Last week I was in West Texas where I spoke at three great presentations in Rankin, Big Lake, and Van Horn.  This week I’ve been in Bell County and in Canton speaking at cattlemen’s conferences.  Welcome to the new readers from these presentations!  Here are a few ag law stories making the news over the last couple of weeks. *Texas… Read More →

March 14, 2014 Weekly Round Up

**This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.** Things have been busy around here!  Last Friday, I headed to Fredericksburg to speak at the New Land Owner Series put on by the Gillespie County Extension Office.  There was a great turn out and the participants asked wonderful questions.  Welcome to those of you who are new to the blog from that presentation.  Yesterday, I presented at a webinar along with Texas A&M alum and New York City attorney Cari Ricker discussing agricultural leases.  There… Read More →

March 7, 2014 Weekly Round Up

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.* Here are a look at some of the ag law stories making news this first week of March. *United States Sides with Texas in Water Dispute against New Mexico, Seeks to Join Suit.  Last week, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the United States, filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene as a Plaintiff in the Supreme Court case pitting Texas against New Mexico in a battle over water in the Rio Grande.  The Solicitor General echoed the… Read More →