Category Archives: Right to Farm laws

March 18, 2016 Weekly Round Up

I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!  Here are a few of the ag law stories making news this week. * Senate rejects voluntary GMO labeling bill.  On Wednesday, the US Senate rejected a bill that would have created a voluntary GMO labeling system and would have prohibited states from imposing mandatory labeling requirements.  Proponents of the bill claim that GMOs are safe and that labeling should not be mandatory as it would increase food prices.  Further, they argue that allowing states to pass different… Read More →

Free Webinar The Right to Farm: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

Imagine you live on your family’s farm, which has been in your family for generations.  The nearby city keeps on growing and soon you find new neighbors next to your fields.  One evening, after a long day driving the tractor and running a manure spreader, your phone rings.  Your new neighbor is not happy about the smell of manure drifting from your fields onto her property.  Soon thereafter, you find yourself a defendant in a lawsuit claiming that your farm is a nuisance and seeking the court prevent… Read More →

New Mexico Amends Right to Farm Act

The New Mexico Legislature recently passed an amendment to the state’s Right to Farm Act, which was signed into law by Governor Martinez on March 3, 2016.  Senate Bill 72 adds a new paragraph to the Right to Farm Act, which has been in place in New Mexico since 1981. Right to Farm Acts Generally Assume a dairy has been in operation for 10 years, and the city has continually moved further and further out towards the dairy.  Now, where there used to be open fields, the dairy finds… Read More →

March 11, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday to everyone!  There were lots of interesting ag law stories in the news this week.  Let’s take a look. * Mexico Complies with Rio Grande Treaty Obligations.  You may remember from this prior post the long running dispute between Texas and Mexico regarding water owed to the US under the 1944 Rio Grande Treaty.  For several years, Mexico had been behind on the required water delivery.  As of January 25, the International Boundary and Water Commission confirmed that Texas had delivered all water owed under the… Read More →

Understand Your Right to Farm

I recently wrote an article for Dairy Herd Management magazine reminding producers of the important protections offered by state Right to Farm statutes.  While hopefully an operation never needs to use this statute to defend itself from a nuisance or trespass claim, being aware that these protections do exist and understanding the requirement for the state in which an operation is located is critical. To read the full article, click here.    

September & October Round Up (Part 1)

Hello!  I am back in the saddle again after spending some time on maternity leave.  Thank you all so much for your kind wishes for our little family. During middle of the night feedings, I’ve managed to stay up to date on what’s been happening in the ag law world.  Here are some of the top stories from the last two months. WOTUS rule stayed nationwide, cases will not be consolidated.  As you previously read, the United States Court of Appeal for the Sixth Circuit has issued a… Read More →

September 4, 2015 Weekly Round Up

Here is the first weekly round up of September!  The year is really flying by!  Here are some ag law stories in the news this week. *  Is New “WOTUS” Rule In Effect in Texas?  As you read last week, a North Dakota federal judge issued an injunction in a case brought by 13 states, prohibiting enforcement of the EPA’s new “waters of the United States” rule.  After the decision, all sides were claiming victory.  All sides agree that in the 13 states (including New Mexico) party to… Read More →

July 3, 2015 Weekly Round Up

Happy July to everyone!  Yesterday, I participated in the Texas Range Webinar Series and gave a presentation on water law.  We had a great turn out for the webinar and fantastic questions! To those of you joining us from the webinar, welcome! The month kicked off with a bang as far as ag law in the news is concerned.  Here are some of the key stories making news this week. * TCEQ Files Petition for TX Supreme Court Review in Surface Water Case.  The TCEQ is seeking review… Read More →

Do Right to Farm Laws Cover Marijuana?

I must admit, writing an agricultural law blog post about marijuana was not something I expected to ever do when I started this blog.  Currently, however, there are controversies going on in Oregon and Missouri about whether the right to farm includes the right to grow marijuana.  These controversies raise interesting issues likely not ever considered by those agricultural groups and producers who most often support right to farm laws. Oregon Medicinal marijuana use has been legal in Oregon for years, and recreational possession becomes legal on July… Read More →

Oregon Farmers Growing GMO Alfalfa Lose Right to Farm Claim

Last week, an Oregon federal court issued an important ruling in Schultz Family Farms, LLC v. Jackson County dealing with two very important, hot-button issues in agriculture:  genetically modified crops and Right to Farm laws.   Although the opinion addresses only one local ordinance, and is binding only in Oregon, it raises issues that we have likely not seen the end of and could be seeing in other places across the country. Factual Background In May 2014, Jackson County, Oregon voters passed an ordinance banning anyone from growing genetically engineered plants… Read More →