Category Archives: Leases

2016 NASS Cash Rent Statistics Released

The 2016 NASS results of their Cash Rent surveys have been released. The results are obtained by a survey of farmers conducted by the United States Department of Agricultural National Agricultural Statistics Service. Every year, NASS collects cash rent data by state for irrigated cropland, non-irrigated cropland, and pastureland.  In even numbered years, they break this data down by county.  The county-level reports should be out in September.  For now, we have the national and state-by-state results. Nationwide, cash rental rates have dropped in the last year.  Here… Read More →

Texas Rural Land Value Trends

Every year, the Texas Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers publishes the Texas Rural Land Value Trends Report.  This publication, which comes out each April, looks at land prices across Texas, broken down into 7 regions and then into several sub-regions.  It reports average rates for land sales as well as land rentals.  The publication also looks at how these rates have changed since the prior year, factors driving land prices, such as commodity prices and water availability, and reports on the most commonly planted… Read More →

Iowa Lease Case Offers Important Lessons

A recent decision by the Iowa Court of Appeals offers some important lessons when thinking about farm estate planning and farm leases.  The court’s opinion in Hope K. Farms, LLC v. Gumm, No. 14-1371 (Iowa Ct. App. June 29, 2016), may be found here. Background This case involves Iowa farmland that was owned by Mr. Gumm’s mother.  During her life, Mr. Gumm had a lease agreement with her that allowed him to farm the land.  Upon her death, ownership of the land passed to the Gumm Family Trust.  The… Read More →

Ranchers’ Agricultural Leasing Handbook Available

Recently, my colleagues Shannon Ferrell (Oklahoma State), Rusty Rumley (National Agriculture Law Center), and I held a series of workshops around Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas discussing agricultural leases.  These programs were well attended (nearly 250 people total) and participants reported being very satisfied with the information they received.  The funding for these workshops and the handbook was provided through a grant from the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center and the USDA.  We certainly appreciate their support of these programs. We’d also like to offer a huge thank… Read More →

Key Solar Lease Considerations for Landowners

In the last few months, I have heard from several Texas landowners who have been contacted by solar companies seeking to lease agricultural land for solar projects.  There is surprisingly little information available for landowners considering the pros and cons of entering into a solar lease agreement.  This article outlines some of the key considerations for landowners considering and/or negotiating a solar lease. As always, I highly recommend that landowners consult an experienced attorney to review any lease agreement before it is signed.  As Stamford, Texas attorney James… Read More →

May 27, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It has been a busy couple of weeks around here, sorry for the delay in Weekly Round Up posts!  Recently, Atascoca County Extension Agent, Dale Rankin, had me present online to a couple of different extension meetings in south Texas.  Next up, I traveled to Austin to attend the Stiles Farm Legislative Field Day.  There were a number of legislators and their staffers at this event, where we were able to showcase and educate about agriculture and issues important to the industry.  Kudos to Ryan Collett and his team for… Read More →

Upcoming Leasing Workshops Hosted by Agrilife Extension

Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, Contact: Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, 806-677-5668, AMARILLO – Three Rancher Leasing Workshops covering grazing, hunting and livestock leases will be held in June in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Fort Worth and Amarillo. The free workshops will be hosted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and funded by the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center, said Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist in Amarillo. “Although leasing of land for grazing and hunting, as well as leasing of livestock, is prevalent across Texas, Oklahoma and… Read More →

April 1, 2016 Weekly Round Up

This week found me in west Texas speaking at county extension meetings in Reagan, Coke, and Upton Counties.  Many thanks to county extension agents Chase McPhaul, Morgan Runyan, and Raymond Quigg for the invitations.  Welcome to those of you new to the blog from these programs.  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * US Supreme Court Hears Argument in Hawkes Clean Water Act Case.  This week, oral argument was held in an important Clean Water Act case at the United States Supreme… Read More →

March 11, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday to everyone!  There were lots of interesting ag law stories in the news this week.  Let’s take a look. * Mexico Complies with Rio Grande Treaty Obligations.  You may remember from this prior post the long running dispute between Texas and Mexico regarding water owed to the US under the 1944 Rio Grande Treaty.  For several years, Mexico had been behind on the required water delivery.  As of January 25, the International Boundary and Water Commission confirmed that Texas had delivered all water owed under the… Read More →

February 19, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!    Before we get started, one last reminder of the Oil and Gas Leasing Seminar we will be putting on on Monday from 9-12 noon in College Station at the Hildebrand Equine Center (3240 F&B Road, College Station).  There is no required registration, no fees, and we will have parking passes for everyone.  So feel free to join us! Here are some of the agricultural law issues in the news recently. * Bragg case back in court.  The high-profile Texas water law case, Bragg v. Edwards Aquifer Authority, is… Read More →