Search Results for: wotus

EPA Releases Revised WOTUS Definition

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (“COE”) released a final rule to amend the WOTUS definition previously issued in January.  This amended rule was issued in response to the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA. Background The definition of WOTUS is really a question regarding the scope of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”). Congress, acting under the Commerce Clause, passed the CWA in 1972.  The CWA gave federal jurisdiction over “navigable waters,” a term that was defined as… Read More →

US Supreme Court Issues Opinion in WOTUS Case, Sackett v. EPA

The United States Supreme Court has issued its Opinion in Sackett v. EPA, a case looking at the proper test to determine whether a wetland is jurisdictional under the Clean Water Act (CWA).  To hear my discussion on this case with our favorite law professors, Jesse Richardson and Anthony Schutz, click here.  To read a significantly shorter Q&A interview about the case I did with Progressive Cattle, click here. Short Summary For those of you who have no interest in reading such a long description, here is a … Read More →

WOTUS Update: Court Denies Nationwide Injunction; Grants Injunction for TX & ID

A federal judge in Texas recently issued an important ruling in Texas v. EPA, a case challenging the legality of the Biden administration’s “Waters of the United States” definition under the Clean Water Act.  [Read Opinion here.] Background As we’ve discussed at length previously on this blog and on the Ag Law in the Field Podcast, Congress passed the Clean Water Act (“the Act”) in 1972, granting federal jurisdiction over “navigable waters,” which it defined as “waters of the United States, including territorial seas (WOTUS).”  Congress did not, however,… Read More →

Overview of Biden WOTUS Rule

On December 20, 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers released its Final Rule redefining “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”) under the Clean Water Act (“Biden Rule”).  [Read Biden Rule here.]  The Biden Rule is set to go into effect on March 20, 2023.  There have, however, been lawsuits challenging the Final Rule that could impact this effective date.  [Read Complaint here and Complaint here.] Background For those of you keeping score, this marks the third attempt by the EPA to redefine… Read More →

WOTUS Update: Another year, another definition

As we have for the past five years in a row, Shannon Ferrell and I recently authored an article for Southwest Farm Press providing an update on the current status of the meaning of “waters of the United States.  To hear our thoughts on where we are now, click here.  Jim Bradbury and I discussed this exact topic on our most recent Ag Law in the Field Podcast episode, which you can find here. Also, since our article was written, the United States Supreme Court has granted a… Read More →

Navigable Waters Protection Rule (aka the New WOTUS Rule)

Disclaimer–This blog post is really detailed.  If you’re not into all the nerdy legal technicalities, I’d read the Background, Summary of WOTUS Rule v. NWPR, and What Happens Now and go on about your day.   If you have been around for a while, you know we have been following the saga surrounding the definition of “Waters of the United States” or “WOTUS” for several years.  On April 21, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency published the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR), the newest regulatory definition of WOTUS.  [Read… Read More →

WOTUS: Where Are We Now?

For years now, agriculture has been closely following the drama surrounding the definition of “Waters of the United States,” commonly referred to as WOTUS.  With a new administration in place, changes have recently occurred in Washington, DC on this issue. Background The Clean Water Act, passed in 1972, gave federal jurisdiction to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (COE) over “waters of the United States.”  Essentially, a person who wishes to do certain activities in a water of the United States—such as point source… Read More →

President Trump Issues Executive Order on WOTUS

As many had anticipated, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Tuesday dealing with the “Waters of the United States” rule. [Read full order here.] You may recall that back in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency and Corps of Engineers passed a rule “clarifying” the definition of “Waters of the United States” as the term is used in the Clean Water Act.  Immediately, numerous States (including Texas), agricultural industry groups, and other businesses filed suits across the country claiming that  the new rule was too broadly written and gave… Read More →

Where Do We Stand on WOTUS

For the third year in a row, Shannon Ferrell and I have decided to cover the status of the “waters of the United States” rule in our annual article for the Southwest Farm Press.  Between the Duarte Nursery trial court decision in California, the landowner victory in the United States Supreme Court Hawkes ruling, and the speculation about actions that the Trump administration might take, we had plenty of angles to consider.  To read our article, click here.

Breaking News: Sixth Circuit Issues Nationwide Stay on WOTUS Rule

The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has issued a nationwide stay on the EPA’s new “waters of the United States” rule. For more information, click here for an article by AgWeb.