This blog is sponsored by Capital Farm Credit, AgTrust Farm Credit, Texas Corn Producers, Braun & Gresham, Plains Land Bank, Plateau Land & Wildlife Management, Texas Cattle Feeders Association, and AgTexas Farm Credit. With Texas Agriculture Law Blog’s generous sponsors, the blog continues to provide factual, up to date and relevant information related to agricultural law. Learn more about our sponsors by visiting their websites and please take a moment to thank them for their support of the Texas Agriculture Law Blog.
Sponsorship does not include any right or input with regard to content or topic selection. Sponsorship does not indicate an endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension or Tiffany Dowell Lashmet of the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s products. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension reserves the right to refuse sponsorship funds from any business or organization that we would deem inappropriate to be associated with extension programs and services.