July 1, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy July!  Last week we held our final Ranchers’ Leasing Workshop here in Amarillo.  We had a great turn out and I want to welcome those of you joining from that program.

Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week.

* The Other Border War.  Texas Monthly published a great article discussing the ongoing dispute between north Texas landowners and the federal Bureau of Land Management regarding the location of the Texas/Oklahoma border.  The article outlines the struggle of one landowner who was told that more than half of his ranch was actually government property by the BLM in 2013.  Litigation has been filed by several landowners, but for now, they wait. [Read article here.]

* 2016 Texas Agricultural Custom Rates.  The TAMU Department of Agricultural Economics recently published their custom rates survey.  This publication is derived from survey responses from producers across the state and provides information on rates for a variety of farming and ranch activities including tractor rental, planting, fertilizer and chemical application, harvesting, hay hauling, livestock activities like sheering sheep and working cattle, fence building, and more.  [View publication here.]

Photo by Marca Ewers, Byran, TX

* Federal Judge Strikes Down Obama Fracking Rule.  A Wyoming federal judge has issued a ruling finding that the BLM lacks the authority from Congress to regulate the use of hydraulic fracturing on federally owned land.  The rule expressly addressed three issues:  well bore construction, chemical disclosures, and water management.  The federal government has not yet announced its intention to appeal the ruling, but it is expected to do so soon.  [Read article here.]

* How Will Brexit Impact US Agriculture?  This is a question that’s been floating around the agriculture law list serve I am a part of for the last week.  Stephanie Mercier with the Farm Journal Foundation recently wrote an article addressing her thoughts on this issue.  [Read article here.]

Ranchers Leasing Workshop is now available on demand to be taken anytime at your own pace. To register click here.

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