2015 Cash Rent Statistics Available

As they do each year, the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service (“NASS”) has published the cash rent statistics for 2015.  The results are obtained by a survey of farmers conducted by NASS.

Nationwide, the survey results are as follows:

  • Pastureland: $14/acre (up $2.00 from 2014)
  • Non-irrigated cropland: $133/acre (up $3.00 from 2014)
  • Irrigated cropland: $209/acre (up $1.00 from 2014)


Marca Chopper

For Texas, the survey results are as follows:

  • Pastureland:  $7.50/acre (up $1.00 from 2014)
  • Non-irrigated cropland:  $29.00 (up $2.00 from 2014)
  • Irrigated cropland:  $82.00 (down $5.00 from 2014)

In order to view the average lease rates for irrigated cropland, non-irrigated cropland, and pasture land in each of the 50 states, click here.

Remember, I always encourage everyone to get all lease agreements in writing.  I have published checklists to help in drafting pasture and hunting leases.  For cropland leases, I recommend the resources at Ag Lease 101.

For those of you who might be interested, we are working on a series of grazing and hunting lease workshops that will be held in 2016 in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.  Additionally, there will be a webinar available to all.  I will be sure to share additional information on this as it develops.

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