Tag Archives: plant bug

Yucca plant bugs

Do you have yucca planted in your landscape?  Have you checked it lately for pest problems?  I know that it seems early to start checking for pests but I walked past the yucca at the office this week and it is covered with yucca plant bugs already. Yucca plant bugs are in the order Hemiptera and are related to other sucking pests such as stink bugs and leaf-footed bugs, but are much smaller.  Adult yucca plant bugs have a bright reddish-orange head and thorax with dark bluish-black wings…. Read More →

Lygus bugs

I’ve been getting email and calls about small “stink bugs” on cruciferous crops lately.  I went out to our demonstration garden to see if I could rustle some up on what we have planted out there and I hit the jackpot.  I found Lygus bugs on the cabbage and some other plants (that I have no idea what they are…I went back out to look- they’re fava beans). Lygus bugs have a wide host range and have been found on over 350 plants.  These bugs commonly begin the… Read More →

Insects on Mountain Laurel

The mountain laurels are in bloom in Central Texas.  This is the time of year I walk around and any time I see a mountain laurel I take in a long, deep breath.  I LOVE the smell when mountain laurels are blooming.  It puts me in mind of grape bubble gum. So while I enjoy the scent and beauty of the mountain laurel flowers, some people may be more concerned with insects they are finding on their mountain laurels.  The two common insects that I get questions about… Read More →

Four-lined plant bug

Have you seen me? Not me, as in me, Wizzie, but me as in me, this bug. We have them in the demonstration garden and I’ve been getting reports of them from all over town. Some people have seen damage, which is often mistaken for fungal damage. I suggest that you head out to the yard and start looking. Four-lined plant bugs are brightly colored. Nymphs (immatures) are red while older nymphs star to have wing pads with yellow and black stripes. Adults have fully developed wings that… Read More →