Monthly Archives: July 2016

Mosquito and mosquito disease information

I know there has been a LOT of talk and information about mosquitoes and diseases they transmit, but I want to gather a bunch of information (from reputable sources) for you to use in case you need it.  So instead of remaking the wheel here, I will be linking to other good sources of information for you to check out. Mike Merchant’s post on Zika virus & NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR TEXANS! Mike Merchant’s post on do-it-yourself thermal fogging for mosquitoes AgriLife’s Mosquitoes of Texas page City of Austin… Read More →

Hi! Remember me? West Nile Virus

With all the media attention on Zika lately, not many people are discussing (or are concerned with) West Nile Virus.  This disease is still around and may become a concern later this summer due to the hot, dry conditions we are currently experiencing in Central Texas. Cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) are generally seen in summer and increase throughout summer and into fall.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, most people (70-80%) that become infected with WNV show no symptoms.  About 1 in 5 people develop a… Read More →