Monthly Archives: December 2018

The Legend of the Christmas Spider

I know what you are thinking….spiders?!  At Christmas?! Spiders are for Halloween.  Well, not in all parts of the world.  There are stories in Eastern Europe, usually from the Ukraine, that tell of a Christmas spider and people will include a spider ornament on their Christmas tree. There is more than one story out there, so you can choose your favorite. Version One: A poor but hardworking widow once lived in a small hut with her children. One summer day, a pine cone fell on the earthen floor… Read More →

2018 Holiday Gift Wish List

It’s that time of year again!  Do you have an arthropod lover in your family?  If so, then here are some great gift ideas! First up is an art piece that I find utterly charming.  The artist is Paul Sumner and you can find his work here. I think that he calls his pieces beetles, but I think they look more like cockroaches (big shock why I love them….).  I found this one particularly unique because it is made from a can of Black Flag insecticide.  What can be… Read More →