Ant or termite swarmer?

With the warm(ish) temperatures- I know, it’s been all over the thermometer in Central Texas the past few weeks!- and the rain, both ant and termite swarmers have been spotted around town.  So if these insects emerge around the same time, do you know how to tell the difference?

Ants will have the following:

  1. Antennae are elbowedant versus termite
  2. Front wings are larger than hind wings
  3. No wing scale (they chew off their wings after the land on the ground)
  4. Middle part of the body is narrowed/ constricted

Termites will have the following:

  1. Antennae are straight
  2. Wings are of equal size & shape
  3. If wings are shed, a wing scale (the base part that attaches wings to thorax) is left behind
  4. Middle part of the body is not narrowed/ constricted

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