
Harris County 4-H Awards

4HGrows_Banner1Harris County 4-H is in the process of developing a more robust recognition system based on Achievement Standards of Excellence and will be open to 4-H youth of all age categories as well as 4-H clubs as a whole.

Here are the guidelines and applications. Keep up the great work! Continue to pledge your Head to clearer thinking, your Heart to greater loyalty, your Hands to larger service and your Health to better living, for your club, your community, your country and your world.

Star Awards


• The Gold Star Award is the highest county achievement award and is awarded only once in a member’s 4-H career, at the senior level. 

Gold Star Danforth Award Application

• The Silver Star Award is awarded at the intermediate level. 

Silver Star Award Application

• The Bronze Star Award is awarded at the junior level. 

Bronze Star Award Applications

• Rookie of the Year Award (Juniors).

Rookie Award Application

Clover Awards

• The Gold Clover Award is awarded at the senior level.

• The Silver Clover Award is awarded at the intermediate level.

• The Bronze Clover Award is awarded at the junior level. 

Clover Awards application

Adult Volunteer Awards

Club Managers:

• Rookie Club Manager of the Year.

• Salute to Excellence Club Manager.

Volunteer Leader Award:

• Legacy Leader Award.

• Community Partner Award.

4H Adult Awards

National 4-H


Youth in Action Awards (YIA)

• Honor four 4-H’ers who have gained critical life skills in the pillar areas of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Citizenship, Healthy Living and STEM and have utilized those skills to overcome a challenge

• Winners demonstrate the positive impact they’ve made with their family, peers, and community through their 4-H experiences

• Each YIA pillar winner receives a $5,000 scholarship for higher education, is featured as the 4-H Youth Spokesperson for their pillar area and enjoys an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to be recognized at the National 4-H Council’s Legacy Awards

Applicants should be 4-H members or recent alumni within the United States, ages 16-21.




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