
G u i d i n g   P r i n c i p l e s



 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.


I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.


A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.


To make the best better.


Learn by doing.

In 1908 Tom Marks, the first county extension agent in Texas, organized a club in Jack County to teach new agriculture methods to 25 boys. While the adults were reluctant to learn, the youth embraced and applied this knowledge in their towns.

These days, there are over 55,000 4-Hers in Texas community clubs and another 600,000 reached through special educational opportunities, all powered by the vast resources of Texas A&M and County AgriLife Extension Offices.

In Harris County, we have a 4-H community of young people who have fun, are budding leaders, and explore a variety of interests in agriculture and beyond. And whether it’s 1908 or 2016, the focus remains the same: to partner adults and youth for positive change in our communities.

View the videos below to see how 4-H has impacted lives in the past and still today (videos courtesy of National 4-H). Then head on over to meet your County Agents & Staff and County Council youth leaders. 

Revised 10/14/20