Tag Archives: glowing scorpion

Texas cave scorpion

Most people in Central Texas are well aware of striped bark scorpions as they can be found in the landscape and sometimes will venture indoors.  We have another scorpion that can be found in the area, the Texas cave scorpion. Scorpions are arachnids with eight legs and two body regions.   Scorpions have two pincers or claws, called pedipalps, which help them hold their prey as they eat.  They also have a long tail with a stinger on the tip that can be used for defense or to paralyze their prey. … Read More →

Glowing scorpions

Tuesday evening, I had the opportunity to attend KLRU‘s Next Nights.  Since it’s October, they wanted some “spooky” things, so I headed over with the menagerie of arthropods.  Unknown to me until about half way through the event, the night was to showcase Strange Town, KLRU’s show on paranormal adventures.  Apparently, the location of the event is haunted!  To fit in with the paranormal/ haunting theme, the event was lighted appropriately, but fortunately we had flashlights to highlight things that were a bit difficult to see with the… Read More →