Tag Archives: caterpillar

Fall Armyworms

I have been getting questions on armyworms and consulting with other entomologists, they have been as well.  So, instead of me recreating the wheel, I am going to link you to a publication written by Dr. Allen Knutson. Also, if you want to learn how to prepare your home to keep unwanted guest- in this case insects, not relatives- from entering your house, check out this month’s All Bugs Good and Bad webinar provided by Janet Hurley.

Walnut caterpillars

An outbreak of walnut caterpillars has recently been reported in Fort Bend county.  These caterpillars can be found on pecan, walnut, and hickory as well as oak, willow and various woody shrubs. Walnut caterpillars have chewing mouthparts and can defoliate trees. Walnut caterpillars live together in a group after hatching out of the eggs. As they grow, they are reddish-brown and become covered with long, white hairs. Larger larvae are covered in white hair and can grow up to 2 inches long. The way damage appears depends upon… Read More →

Caterpillars- buck moth caterpillar, cankerworms and tent caterpillars

The insects seemingly have arrived in our demogarden the past week. I was out there with Master gardeners this morning and there was a lot to see….it makes me EXCITED (the Master Gardeners, not so much, as many of the insects are eating the plants they are tending so carefully). So two items have already been covered recently in blog posts written by Dr. Mike Merchant in Dallas, so I’m going to direct to those pages and you can get all your information there. First are the tent… Read More →