2019 All Bugs Good and Bad Webinar on Emerald Ash Borer
When: Friday, March 1 1:00 pm Central time
To Join: https://auburn.zoom.us/j/615766171.
The Emerald Ash Borer is responsible for millions of dead ash trees in North America causing homeowners, cities, and nurseries many millions of dollars and heartache. Come learn where this exotic pest came from, its life cycle, and management plans being implemented. This webinar is presented by Lynne Womack, Georgia Forestry Commission.
Note: on March 1, the link to the live webinar opens about 15 minutes before the webinar. If you try to log in earlier, you will get an error message.
For more webinars in this series, see 2019 All Bugs Good and Bad Webinar Series: https://articles.extension.org/pages/74786/2019-all-bugs-good-and-bad-webinar-series. The webinars are brought to you by the following: eXtension Communities of Practice: Ant Pests, and Urban IPM; and by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Clemson Cooperative Extension and University of Georgia Extension.