Monthly Archives: August 2017


I know that heartworms are not an insect (they are a parasitic roundworm), but they are transmitted by mosquitoes so I feel I am within my bailiwick. So why write about heartworms now?  Today, on my google calendar I have scheduled that my dogs are to get their heartworm preventative.  This task was added to my calendar way back in 2015 and was set to repeat monthly without end.  I also set up my calendar to send me an email reminder on the day, so I don’t forget… Read More →

Ensign wasps…they’re the good guys (actually, girls)

Have you seen an insect in your house that kind-of looks like a fly, but not exactly?  It will be black in color, but the stunning and key feature is the abdomen; it comes off the top of the abdomen and looks similar to a triangular flag. I know of many people who have asked me about this “weird house fly” and when I tell them they shouldn’t squish they look at me like I’m crazy.  These “weird house flies” are ensign wasps and they help to manage… Read More →