Monthly Archives: April 2015

Caterpillars- buck moth caterpillar, cankerworms and tent caterpillars

The insects seemingly have arrived in our demogarden the past week. I was out there with Master gardeners this morning and there was a lot to see….it makes me EXCITED (the Master Gardeners, not so much, as many of the insects are eating the plants they are tending so carefully). So two items have already been covered recently in blog posts written by Dr. Mike Merchant in Dallas, so I’m going to direct to those pages and you can get all your information there. First are the tent… Read More →


There are three main types of termites that can cause problems for homeowners in Central Texas- native subterranean termites, formosan subterranean termites and drywood termites. To identify termites you will need to obtain soldiers (ones with a hard head with large mandibles) or reproductives with wings. Native subterranean termites have nests in the soil and must maintain contact with soil or an above-ground moisture source to survive. If native subterranean termites move to areas above ground they make shelter (mud) tubes of fecal material, saliva and soil to… Read More →