Rural Leaders Survey Open

Yesterday, I kicked off a new study of Rural Leaders and Economies. If that topic sounds interesting, you are welcome to participate here:

The purpose of this study is (1) to gauge rural leaders’ attitudes about local economies and potential new leaders and (2) to identify opportunities for communities to deepen citizen engagement and strengthen rural communities and economies. Results of the study will guide the development of Extension programming and publications to help communities identify and develop new rural leaders and to disseminate best practices in integrating citizen involvement into economic development efforts.

Your responses and opinions will help Extension and me as a community economic development specialist to better (1) acquaint young adult residents with leadership and decision-making skills and knowledge of the local community and economy, and (2) facilitate positional leaders in transitioning to multigenerational leadership.

If you have questions about this survey, or if you’d like to register for a copy of the results, which will be available in April 2016, you can email me at

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