Category Archives: Local Government

Understanding Texas Taxes–New Pub

The Understanding Texas Taxes publication has been updated and is now available under Texas Taxes Publications as well as in the AgriLife Bookstore (free download).  The publication is is designed to policy makers, staff, and Texas tax payers understand the state’s tax system. It discusses the most common criteria for evaluating the effects of major Texas taxes: economic efficiency – propensity to maintain (not distort) the allocation of consumers’ and firms’ choices among goods, services, and investments. economic competitiveness – a firm’s ability to compete with those outside… Read More →

Cultivating Community Wealth: Wealth and Disaster

This post is part of an eight-week series on Cultivating Community Wealth. As we wrap up this series on Cultivating Community Wealth, we take a look at what happens when communities face disaster. We often think of natural disasters, such as drought, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfire. But disasters can also be purely economic—the loss of a major employer. Some economic losses may be due to a loss of competitive advantage in the region, but losses can also result from global economics and other situations outside the region’s… Read More →

Cultivating Community Wealth: Wealth and Local Government

This post is part of an eight-week series on Cultivating Community Wealth. Thinking back to the first post in this series, political capital was one of the forms of community wealth, as were built and financial capital. It stands to reason that local government has a significant impact on community wealth. Local officials are the gatekeepers to many community processes. Research has shown that when elected officials support a community development project (although they may not be directly involved), it has an improved chance of successfully building various… Read More →