February is Public Speaking Month!
This month you can expand your knowledge on Public Speaking to help with your current 4-H project or start this as a new project. This program can also be a “other project” in your record book if Public Speaking is not one of your main projects. To receive the Achievement Project pen and 4-H phone charger block and 4-H Pop Socket you must complete the following tasks by February 28th:
– All 5 quizzes
-At least 2 activities
– Attend at least 1 Public Speaking training
-Complete a County Round-Up Contest
Pubic Speaking Monthly Overview Flyer
Training #1:
Public Speaking Training #1 Flyer
Training #2:
Public Speaking Training #2 Flyer
Training #3:
Public Speaking Training #3Flyer
Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTcwNjU4MzQwNzg5?cjc=n4l7jdn