Fact Sheets

 Fact Sheets on the Dickinson Bayou Watershed

  • Bacteria Implementation Plan – Located in Galveston and Brazoria counties, the Dickinson Bayou watershed encompasses approximately 100 square miles of land that drains water into the bayou. Dickinson Bayou is classified as impaired by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), which means higher than acceptable levels of bacteria have been consistently measured in the bayou.
  • Dickinson Bayou Watershed Protection Plan At A Glance – The Dickinson Bayou Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) was written by stakeholders (citizens and local experts) to provide reasonable strategies and goals to help watershed residents improve the water quality in Dickinson Bayou. The  WPP covers many topics including: land development, flooding, natural areas, waste water and stormwater management. It includes two sections: The State of the Watershed and Strategies and Goals.
  • Stormwater Runoff Pollution – Stormwater runoff pollution is often referred to as non‐point source  pollution, because it does not have a single point of origin. Runoff pollution is the cumulative result of our everyday personal actions and land use policies.
  • Dickinson Bayou Watershed Partnership Brochure – Is Dickinson Bayou less attractive, less clean, and less abundant than it was in previous years? Does the water quality and health of the Dickinson Bayou Watershed seem to be declining? If you said YES then you need to be a part of the watershed planning process that will reverse this downward trend and restore the best possible uses of the water or at least prevents it from further degradation.
  • Why Be A Part Of Watershed Planning – We all live in a watershed. Watersheds are interconnected, so how one community treats their watershed can have positive or negative affects on those living downstream. The partnership is a collection of citizens within the watershed who are interested in keeping Dickinson Bayou Watershed free of pollution, trash, pet waste, and oils.

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